Year 6
Mrs Jackson and Mrs Hillyard are our Year 6 Teachers

Mrs Jackson and Mrs Hillyard are our Year 6 teachers. Mrs Jackson teaches on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and Mrs Hillyard teaches on Monday.
One of our Year 6 children recently wrote this excellent letter to all our parents about irresponsible parking.
We have been learning about light and investigated how to change the size of a shadow by moving it nearer to or further away from a light source.

We have been practising making circuits .

We have been learning how to use spreadsheets. At first we found that we could be quite artistic with them .

At the end of the Autumn Term we had a Christmas Craft Morning. Lots of our parents or grandparents came to lend a hand. We had a lovely creative time making table decorations linked to our electricity topic, present holders and Christmas cards.

In history we have been finding out all about the Ancient Maya.

A visiting coach came and practised tag rugby with us. Some of us went on to play in a tournament. We did very well and and Mrs King was very pleased with our behaviour and sportsmanship.

We have been experimenting with the sound editing software called Audacity. We have had lots of fun changing sound and music. Zak's uncle came to tell us all about sound editing as this is part of what he does for a living.

The power of imagery: We wrote poems using similes and metaphors to describe.
The Young Leaders have put together a set of rules so that everyone can enjoy their games. They all signed with their initials
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