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Cutting and Sticking

In Nursery with the support of the adults, the children have been learning to use different tools including scissors and glue sticks. They have created some lovely collage pictures.

Sports Day☀️

The children in nursery enjoyed their sports day. They had brunch in the sun with their families! 

In Nursery, as part of our understanding of the world, the children had fun mixing water into sand. They used the shovels and whisks to mix it all together. They were learning not to add too much water. Then they were able to mould with it.

This term we are reading traditional tales, learning about winter and Chinese New Year. Our topic stories are ‘The Gingerbread Man’, ‘Goldilocks And The Three Bears’ and ‘ The Three Little Pigs. Our activities are linked to these topics.

The Goldilocks And The Three Bears topic was full of fun and exciting activities. The children were sorting the bowls, spoons and cups by their size and matching them to the correct size bear. After that they measured some porridge by counting the spoonfuls for each bear and measuring the water by using the cylinders. We have been practising our cutting skills by cutting the different body parts for a bear.

Our activities related to our topic story ‘ The Gingerbread Man’. The children made Gingerbread men using the play dough. They decorated laminated gingerbread men using buttons, gems and pipe cleaners. We also played counting and matching games using the Interactive Whiteboard. The children knew the story very well and were able join in with the repeated phrases. At the end of the week we made an experiment to see what would of happen to the gingerbread man if he jumped into river. First each child predicted what happens when you put a gingerbread man in the water and we recorder these predictions. Then we made the experiment and placed the gingerbread man into the water jug. We learned to use words such as sinking, floating and dissolving.

During the festive season we practised new songs for our Nativity Play, the children performed their amazing production in front of an audience. We were very busy making festive decorations and working in the pretend post office. The children wrote their letters to Father Christmas and each child had their turn to open the advent calendar. Our school invited the parents to come and join us to the Christmas art & craft morning. This offers an opportunity for the parents and relatives to make festive decorations with the children. At the end of the term, we had our own Christmas party.

We have been reading a story called ‘It Was A Cold Dark Night’ and learning about Autumn season. The children have been printing Autumn leaves, making hedgehogs using play dough and painting hedgehogs using forks. We created a colourful display in our school’s corridor to welcome everyone.

Each day we offer different and exciting Funky-Finger and mark making activities to develop children’s fine-motor skills.

During our ‘Marvellous Me’ topic the children were encouraged to talk about their facial features, naming and counting different body parts. First the children made nature Self-Portraits using natural resources and then each child painted their portraits by choosing the correct paint colours. During the carpet time we spoke about the people who lives in our home and the children drew pictures using the white boards. During these topics the children have been using their communication and language skills to describe how they look and compare themselves to the others too. They have spoken about their family members and their likes and dislikes to their friends. It is very important to learn to listen each other while we share our experiences.

The Nursery children have been settling in well and are getting to know their new friends. They have been exploring different areas of learning indoors and outdoors. The adults are supporting the children to choose different activities and to play with their friends.
