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This week, the children in Year 1 have been writing their own version of a traditional tale with themselves as the main character. We've had lots of fun using our imaginations as well as demonstrating the fantastic literacy skills we have developed this term. 


This week in geography, Year 1 have been thinking about our playground. We conducted a survey to find out what people thought about our playground, we then created a map to show what our perfect playground would look like, we had to include symbols to represent objects and a key to show what the symbols are. 


In our R.E lessons Year 1 have been thinking about the importance of light as a symbol, we read the story of Rama and Sita and found out about the festival of Diwali. We then made our own salt dough by mixing salt, flour and water and used the tough to sculpt diva lamps. We left them to dry and the following week we painted them with lots of bright colours and of course a good sprinkling of glitter. 


Year 1, spent a wonderful morning exploring the village woods to enhance their learning in science. We were looking for signs of autumn. We are looking forward to visiting in the other seasons to see how it changes. 


This week, Year 1 published the final version of the poems they have been writing. We then shared our poems with the children in reception. 


This week, Year 1 investigated the last of our 5 senses. We used our nose to smell 5 different  liquids and tried to identify what each liquid was. 


This week has been art week. Year 1 have been exploring mark making with lines and different types of media. We used overlapping shapes and explored using crayons, pastels, pens and pencils to add colour. 


We have been learning about our 5 senses in science . The week we explored our sense of taste by trying 5 different foods whilst blindfolded. We had to describe the taste and guess what the food could be. 


Year 1, were very excited this week to welcome a visitor to the class to enhance our learning in history. We have been finding out about our personal history and how we remember special events. Last week we thought about how we celebrate our birthday, and this week Mrs Stephens talked to us about how she celebrated her 6th birthday; there were lots of similarities but also lots of differences. 


This week in Literacy, Year 1 have been exploring instruction texts. We acted out and verbally rehearsed command sentences. We explored the equipment needed to plant a seed and made lists, and we ordered sets of instructions. 


In RE, Year 1 have been thinking about the things in the natural world that we are thankful for. We explored the school grounds and  decided we are thankful for the trees as they give us oxygen and we are thankful for the plants that give us food amongst many other things. 


Year 1, started their history topic this week by finding out about their personal chronology. They looked at photos of significant events in their lives and created a timeline. The children were so excited to share their photos and memories with each other. 


This week the children in Year 1 have been working really hard in Literacy to form letters correctly and place them in the correct position on the lines. It's been tricky but aren't they fantastic; we are super proud of your resilience!



Year 1 have had a fantastic first week back at school and have settled so well in their new learning environment. We have been focussing on our feelings and emotions this week by learning about the zones of regulation. We have thought about how it feels to be in each zone and what tools we can use to get to the green zone. We made little photo frames that we can use to hang on our display, this helps our teacher and friends to know how we are feeling so they can also help us get back to green. 
