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Christmas ukulele concert

Christmas Craft Morning

The Dog's Trust workshop - We had the pleasure of The Dog's Trust teaching the children all about the signs of a happy and unhappy dog and how they can be safe around them.

PE - This half term, the children have been learning gymnastics skills. We have explored different types of balances, symmetry, asymmetry, travelling around the mat and introducing equipment. The children then had to combine all of their skills into a routine.

Literacy - This week, we learnt what a cinquain poem was. Once the children knew the strict structure of 2,4,6,8,2 syllables, they had the task of creating their own one in groups.

Art - We researched the artist Teis Albers and followed his skills of retrofuturism to create our own pieces.

History - Year 5 have been continuing their learning about The Tudors. We made inferences about Anne Boleyn based on various primary and secondary sources.

Science - We have been exploring various types of forces by testing out different objects. We looked at gravity, friction and air resistance.

Computing - The children have been recalling their prior knowledge of coding and applying this to various animal racing games. They also had a go at simplifying the codes to see if there was a difference.

RE - We have been learning about what a pilgrimage is. The children first explained a special journey that they've been on and then compared this with pilgrimages within Christianity.

Literacy - This week during our Literacy lessons, Year 5 have been learning about features of a non-chronological report. We explored and annotated various reports about monsters in our core texts, and then created a success criteria based on our findings. The children also focussed on the Loch Ness Monster and collected vocabulary including adjectives, nouns and verbs to describe the monster to someone who has never seen it. They then acted out a phone call as an explorer and a donor using their vocabulary.
