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Some of our Art based half term homework. The children looked at Chila Kumari Singh Burman and researched her art work.

In January, we had the privilege of participating in Young Voices. We got a coach to the O2 London and performed a variety of songs with around 7 thousand other children! We had such a brilliant experience and we hope to do it again next year.

English - We are looking at William Shakespeare and his plays. The children have acted out a scene from Romeo and Juliet, translated Shakespeare's language into modern day language and started to write a Bibliography about him.

Science - This term, we are learning all about Properties of materials. Each week, we are planning and investigating a new experiment that looks at different materials and different properties. We have looked at conducting electricity, thermal insulators and uses of everyday materials.

Music - This term, we are learning to play the Ukulele's. The children are learning all the different chords: C chord, D chord, G chord and Em chord.

Art - This term, we are looking at self portraits. The children drew a portrait of themselves. and they then traced around the outline of their face with words to describe themselves.

Science - For our Christmas homework, the children were asked to create a space project. They had the creativity to make anything that they wanted, related to space. This linked with our previous Science topic.

Year 5 on Christmas jumper day

Christmas Arts and Crafts morning

Art - This term we have been looking at printmaking. We made a printing plate by using a variation of textured materials, such as pasta, rice, tissue paper, bubblewrap, etc. The children chose their materials and then stuck these onto cardboard which became our printing plate. Eventually, we transferred our plate onto paint and created a textured background to draw on.

Science - This term we have been exploring different forces and the effect that they have on certain objects. We investigated the effect of air resistance by creating parachutes and testing the speed of each parachute with different objects attached. We then investigated the effects of water resistance by designing and creating different shaped boats. The images show the two different investigations.
