Class photos
In Art, we went in a texture hunt. We found lots of leaves with different textures. Some were crinkly and so,e were soft. We then tried to paint the textures into our art books.
In Geography, we have been focusing on human and physical features. We went outside and created a tally chart to show the different humans and physical features that we could find. We then put our results into a bar chart.
In Literacy, we have been looking at question, statement and command sentences. We have to identify which sentences were which and put the correct punctuation on the end.
In Maths, we have been learning about money. We have been practising identifying the coins and making given amounts.
In RE we have been focusing on the 10 commandments. We had to order them into order of importance. We discussed why different groups had different commandments at the top.
In Literacy we are learning about fairytales. Our fairytale for this topic is Rapunzel. We were trying to learn the story off by heart by making actions and performing it to the class.
In RE our new topic is learning about what is right and wrong. We performed scenarios in groups but performed them twice, one right and one wrong to show the difference between our choices.
In PE, we are doing dance. We have been learning about how there’s 8 counts and that dances are performed in sequences. We made up a sequence of the process of planting a flower.
In DT we were learning about levers to help us create our own monster! We enjoyed designing them and watching them come to life.
In Maths, we have been learning about shapes. We have learnt to use a ruler to help us get our lines straight when we draw different shapes.
We enjoyed having our parents in for Christmas craft morning!
In Science, we were learning about how germs spread. We wanted to experiment how easy it was for them to spread so we put it to the test! We used glitter as the germs and mixed in some shaving foam. We high fived each other to show how quickly they spread. We also found out that it is tricky to wash all of our germs off.
In Literacy, we have been practising writing expanded noun phrases. We went on a walk around the school grounds to get some inspiration. We wrote about what we could see, hear and smell. The children came up with some fantastic work!
In Science we have been learning about keeping our bodies healthy. We explored how different exercises affected our bodies. We ran on the spot, jumped and did yoga and then felt our hearts after them. We found out that the more strenuous the exercise was, the faster our heart rate was.
In Art we have been making books. We created our own character and cut them out. Then, we used A3 paper to make a pocket book so our character has somewhere to go. We finished our illustrations to them create our stories.
In Art, we have been mark making. We used charcoal in different ways to explore making different marks.
In Computing, we have been learning about coding. We had a magician and his rabbit and we had to work out how to select the correct code to magic the rabbit out his hat.
In Science, we have been learning about habitats. We focused on amphibians and went outside to create our own habitats for them.
In Maths, we have been recapping our number bonds to ten to help us to relate them to number bonds to 100. We used the tens frames to help us visually link them together.
In Literacy, we continued learning about verbs and put them into sentences. We role played scenarios and added a conjunctions into our sentences. We wrote sentences such as ‘Tell a joke to your friend so they start laughing’ and ‘Give your friend a hug because it makes them happy’.
In Literacy, we have been learning about verbs. We learnt how they were action words and we had to spot them in our new book called ‘How to Make Friends with a Ghost’.
In Science we have been learning about fish and their needs to survive. We made fish out of paper plates and added the gills, fins, tail and scales. We then explained what each part was used for.
In Literacy, we have been learning about single-clause sentences and multi-clause sentences. We were learning about the conjunctions 'and, but, or'. We looked at how we can use these words to join our ideas together. We played a game where we read a passage of writing and had to hold up one hand for a single-clause sentence, and two hands if it was a multi-clause sentence.
In Maths, we have been recapping numbers to 20. We used a number of practical resources to support us visualising numbers in different ways. This included using numicon, bead strings and rekenreks.