Class Photos
Christmas Lunch
This week the children in Reception joined the rest of the school to watch a pantomime called The Selfish Giant. They also made crowns to wear to their lovely Christmas lunch. I think they enjoyed pulling the crackers the best! 🎄
Our First Nativity
After lots and lots of practising and rehearsals, this week the Reception and Nursery children came together to show their production to their parents. I am sure you will agree they performed really well and we were very proud of them.🎄
Christmas Art and Craft Day
It was lovely to see so many parents and grandparents at our Christmas art and craft morning. The children had an enjoyable time creating lots of Christmas art.🎄
Christmas Activities
In Reception, the children have been busy learning about the story of Christmas and practising for their Nativity performance. They have also enjoyed creating some lovely Christmas artwork for our display. Our classroom is looking very Christmassy!
Lego Marble Runs
This week, in Reception, the children have been creating marble runs using the Lego. This involved them working out how to allow the marble to travel through a run while stopping it and allowing it to turn, at certain points. This was a child initiated idea that the children became very excited about and many wanted to share their ideas with their peers in the class.
Ice Decorations

The children in Reception have enjoyed finding ice outside during this very cold spell. They were talking lots about why water freezes. We talked about how the temperature overnight had dipped very low, low enough to freeze water. They asked if it would be that cold again. We decided to carry out an experiment. The children collected sticks, leaves and berries into pots and covered them in water and we left them out overnight. This morning, the children were very excited to see that it had been as cold, and the water had frozen. They had lovely ice decorations. There was much excitement when playing with them and watching them melt.
We're Going On A Bear Hunt
In Reception, we have been reading and learning the story of 'We Are Going On A Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. The children acted out the story and created story maps, They made stick puppets and masks which they cut out them selves to perform a puppet show of the story.
Remembrance Day
The children have been learning about the significance of the Poppy and their different colours. They have been learning about the meaning of Remembrance Day, in a very child friendly way. The children watched the live coverage of the two minutes silence and were able to sit for that time. Then we watched the CBeebies short animation and talked about what we saw and what it signified.
Firework Celebration and Safety
In Reception, we have been learning about fireworks and firework safety. The children were very keen to share their firework experiences and talk about safety. They created a firework design using felt pens on filter paper. They then sprayed the paper with water. Many noticed how colours changed as the water spread over the paper. This supported their interests in colour mixing also.
Harvest Time

In Reception, the children have been learning about Harvest Festival and what it means. We have learnt that Harvest time celebrates the gathering of crops from the farmers fields. It is a time when people can reflect and show gratitude for the food that they have. Mrs Ramsey's dad gave us a pumpkin from his harvest at his allotment. The children have enjoyed cutting the pumpkin in class for Mrs Dean to roast. They particularly liked eating it!
Autumn Changes
In reception this week, we have been learning about Autumn and the changes that occur. The children have been painting with conkers, drawing their own Autumn tress, and role playing with the Autumn tray.
Creating with boxes and tape
The children have enjoyed using their imagination. They have been using boxes and tape to create different models. They are learning to use the tape to secure the boxes together.

This week we have been learning about Autumn. The children have enjoyed the autumn themed tray. We have also been reading Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs and the children added dinosaurs to the tray to enhance their play. 🦖🦕
Magnetic Blocks
The children have enjoyed using the magnetic blocks. They have discovered that they stick to the radiator as it is metal. They have made lots of patterns and are now creating repeating patterns.
The EYFS hosted a very successful Macmillan Coffee Morning, raising vital funds for cancer support. Our generous parents donated lots of cakes and money towards this cause. The children enjoyed some yummy cakes!
Cutting Skills
In Reception, the children have been very busy learning to use simple tools. They have been practising their skills to cut using scissors. They have also been using the hole punch and string to make superhero masks. They are all super learners!
African Snail
The children enjoyed watching Miss Morris freshen up our snails environment today. She changed the soil and the food. The children were interested in what the snail eats and some wanted to touch its shell.
In Reception, we have been learning about our feelings. We talked to the children about the Zones of Regulation and, as a class, we discussed ways to manage our feelings and to regulate ourselves. We took photos of the children, and they made a 'mini me' of themselves. They attached them to lolly sticks. They choose which pot to put their 'mini me' in throughout the day, depending on how they are feeling. We encourage the children to talk to us about their feelings and read lots of books to support this.
Physical Education outside
The Reception children were very excited to come to school in their PE kits on Wednesday. We played the ‘bean game’ acting as runner beans, jumping beans, frozen beans and played a shape game. Then we had lots of fun controlling the ball on the parachute. The children enjoyed running under the parachute, swapping places with their friends! They listened to instructions well.
Welcome back!
The children have settled well and are learning the new routines. They have enjoyed exploring the environment and making new friends.