Indoor Learning
This week, we have been reading the story of Handa’s Surprise. We looked closely at the pictures comparing Handa’s village with ours. The children were interested to share some of their holiday experiences also.

Our caterpillars arrived today. It will be interesting to watch them grow and turn into butterflies! 🦋
We have been learning about life cycles. We have looked at the life cycle of a bean, a butterfly and a caterpillar. This week, we were given some tadpoles to watch. 🐸

We have been preparing for a tea party to celebrate the King’s Coronation. We read the story The King’s Pants and made celebratory crowns. The children made cakes. We also read The Giant Jam Sandwich and made jam sandwiches of our own.

Our new topic is ‘Growing’. We have been reading The Tiny Seed and Jasper’s Beanstalk. The children have added beans to cotton wool pads and will water them and watch them grow. The children also enjoyed exploring our black tray, looking at beans and feeling the soil.

The children are enjoying playing with the story sacks, telling stories using puppets and props and adding their own details. 📚

This week we had a focus on completing puzzles. Puzzles are very important for developing memory skills, as well as an ability to plan, test ideas and solve problems.

This week, we had a focus on road safety. We looked at ‘Super Cat’s Road Safety Story’ and learnt the road safety rap. The children made super hero masks of their own. 🦸

Our visit from ‘Wonderdome’! After the visit, the children were very excited to draw their version of our solar system.

Monkey Puzzle - This week we read the story of Monkey Puzzle. The children painted and drew lots of lovely pictures of animals from the story.

World Book Day - today we celebrated by reading lots of our favourite stories! 📚

To end our history topic of Knights, Castles, Kings and Queens the children had a ‘Medieval Banquet’ in class. We looked at grand rooms in castles, medieval dress and dancing and the children made crowns for the occasion! 👑

The children were very busy making cakes for their ‘medieval banquet’! 🧁

This week, we are reading Zog by Julia Donaldson. The children are enjoying painting dragons, learning about knights and castles and kings and queens. We will continue this topic next week. 🐉

This week was Children’s Mental Health week and the theme was ‘Let’s Connect’. We read lots of books including The Colour Monster, Ravi’s Roar and The Big Bag of Little Worries. We made ‘Feelings Fans’ and ‘Worry Dolls’. The children were able to say that when we are worried, we need to ‘talk it out’.

The Gingerbread Man - this week, we baked our own gingerbread men!

The Gingerbread Man - Whenever we start a new book, we make a small world scene in our black tray to encourage the children to retell the story and make up their own stories.

This week we read the story of The Gingerbread Man. We introduced paper fasteners to the children and they made their own moveable gingerbread man. This took a lot of patience on their part but they were interested in how paper fasteners (split pins) worked. They persevered and were very proud of the results

A Room in a Box - Leading on from our Toys, Old and New topic, the children have enjoyed making their own toys. One child had an idea for a ‘room in a box’. Lots of the children really enjoyed making them too.

History - This week we have been exploring old toys and comparing them to the toys children play with today. They enjoyed playing with the toys and finding out how they worked. Some children then worked with the boxes and tape to make their own toys.

Our children are always busy! Here are some examples of child initiated learning - children’s own choosing time.

Physical activities - learning to throw and catch and skip!

This week, we are learning to retell the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We also learnt a song about them!

We watched Art Hub for Kids and learnt to draw a Father Christmas. The children’s listening and attention skills were amazing and they were super impressed with the outcomes! 🎅

We have been reading the story ‘Aliens Love Panta Claus’. The children mixed food colouring with play dough and made their own aliens!

We have been learning about numbers to five. The children enjoy watching the Number Blocks to support their mathematical knowledge. They practised their cutting skills and ordered the number to five.

The children have enjoyed bathing the babies this week. They found some tooth brushes and were cleaning the babies teeth. We had a conversation about how important it is to clean our teeth night and day.

The children have been busy learning to find and use all the lovely resources in Reception. They have enjoyed coming into school and starting their ‘table top’ morning activities.