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Week 38

The whole school were lucky enough to be taught how to play the African drums. We had our own class workshop where we learnt some facts about the drums and the African culture, as well as learning some call and response techniques. 

As an end of year treat, we had a school trip to Kidzania! We got to experience what it would be like to do the jobs we want to do when we grow up. We had such a great day! 

Week 36

In Music, we were looking at the sounds of the city. We created our own actions and sounds of London to show to the class. We had to guess what sounds each group were making.

Week 35

In Art, we were painting the textures of what we found across the school grounds. We discussed how to make colours lighter and darker by adding black and white. 

We created freeze frames in History to show what it would’ve been like flying the first ever plane. We described our thoughts and feelings. In Art, we went on a texture hunt around the school grounds. We found things that were prickly, soft, scratchy and rough!

Week 33

We did a joint lesson with Year 3 this week. We planted some flowers in our new allotments. We can’t wait to watch them grow! 

Week 32

In RE, we worked in groups to create our own ceremony to celebrate the end of Year 2. In English, we worked in groups to learn a verse of a poem. We performed them to the class. 

Week 31

In Art, we created our own story booklets. We had so much fun learning how to trace and make our own character.

Week 30

Our plants have grown! We kept a plant diary to show how our plants had grown. In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. We were 

earning about how to find a quarter of a number. 

Week 29

We got to bring in our own cuddly toys to draw! We then had a special treat and got to decorate our own waffles and watch a film.

Week 28

We created some art to celebrate the King’s coronation! 

Week 27

We are learning about plants in Science. We looked at what happens to plants when they are planted in different conditions. We planted our own beans and cress to observe them throughout the coming weeks. In Art, we focused on using pastels to do some mark making.

Week 26

In English, we wrote a descriptive piece about being stuck on an island. We focused on our 5 senses. In Art, we watched a video of Quentin Blake doing a drawing of Willy Wonka. We used the video as a tutorial to copy his drawing. We created some fantastic outcomes!

In Science, we made bird feeders. We kept watching out the window to see if any birds would come! We then did some Easter crafts. 

Week 24

In Yoga, we were learning how to pose like different animals. In Art, we made our own peg dolls to look like Samuel Pepys. 

Week 23

We had a Great Fire of London curriculum day. We turned into apothecaries and made our own medicine. Then, we wrote a diary and made our own houses. Mr Sapsed burned them on the field. We had such a great day! 

Week 22

In Maths this week, we were learning about making equal groups. 

Week 21

Our World Book Day costumes! We had an author come in to show us how she writes her books. It was very interesting! 

In Art, we used magazines to create collages. We focused on changing the main facial features. We produced some funny faces! In Science, we continued looking at habitats and completed a dependency sheet. 

In English, we focused on a poem called “Imagine If…”. We created drawings to represent what was being said in the poem. In Art, we created work based on Julian Opie. We all had our photo taken and put them in clear files. We used bright pens to go over our faces in the style of his work. The outcomes were excellent! In Maths, we were looking at money. We looked at coins to help us understand how they all have different values. 

In Science, we were focusing on microhabitats. We looked around the school field looking for bugs under wood. We turned our results into a pictogram. In Maths, we looked at whether you could stack 3D shapes. We learnt that you can stack some of them, but not all of them.

Week 17

In Art, we studied Julian Opie. We researched him as a class and then created a page about him in our new sketchbooks.

In French, we were looking at how to say ‘I can’. In Maths, we were practising drawing 2D shapes. We made sure to use our ruler so our shapes were accurate. In Science, we explored our woodland area, focusing on naming leaves, mini-beats and their habitats.

In Art, we made letters with our bodies. In Science, we started making our A3 books. We explored things that are living, dead or never alive. 

Week 14

In Science, we created a balanced diet plate. In History, we were deciding whether we wanted to be apart of a school in the past, or now. We then created some Christmas cards and made some party hats ready for our Christmas dinner. 

Week 13

This week, we were looking at keeping healthy in Science. We were testing whether our heart beats faster after exercise or not. We also practised our fine motor skills activities and had some of our parents come in for a Christmas craft morning!

Week 12

In RE, we made Diva Lamps and painted them. In PE, we were learning a dance in the style of a circus act! 

Week 11

We watched England play in the World Cup. We decorated footballs, water bottles, socks and shirts in the colours of countries that participated in the World Cup. 

On Monday we looked around the art gallery which was really fun! We then made some art by Clarice Cliff. We used straws to spread the black paint to make it look like a tree. 

Year 2 have had a very busy week! We were looking at adding 3 1-digit numbers in Maths. On Tuesday, we had a guest speaker come in to tell the children about Hertford’s Hero, Alfred Bert. In Science, we started learning about life cycles. We drew our special people in PSHE and did some weaving in Art! 

Happy Halloween! We started some new topics this term. In History, we started looking at schools in the past. The children created a timeline of different schools through time. In science, we were sorting and grouping young animals with their adults. We made some repeated patterns on clay for Art. 

Last week we finished our Geography books on mapping. The children loved making these and they can’t wait for you all to see them. We carried on learning about transport in French. In Art, we were looking at shading, focusing on the light and dark parts of our ribbons. 


In Science, we were learning about reversible and irreversible reactions. We loved seeing the popcorn pop and then getting to eat it! In French, we carried on learning about transport. 

This week, we completed a short comprehension and had Year 6 come and read with us. In science, we looked at different materials to see if we could change the shape of them. In Geography, we added more to our books about mapping! 

In English, we started our new book, A New Home For a Pirate. We wrote a character description about Jed and started our story maps. In Art, we made collages out of our rubbings. We created some fantastic pictures!

On Monday we took our science learning outside. The children enjoyed searching for different materials and their uses. In Maths we were using Numicon, Base 10 and number cards to help us make numbers. We started our Geography project on maps today which we can’t wait to show you! Finally, we finished our week by taking some rubbings of Numicon, leaves and Lego in Art. 

Year 2 have had a really busy week! On Monday we had a Roald Dahl workshop. We then had a go at making giant bubbles. On Tuesday, Y6 came to read with us again. On Wednesday we had a trial Hip Hop Pop session which the children loved! On Friday, we made some repeated patterns in art!

The children have had a great first week at school. We’ve been learning how to lay out our Maths books, writing about our new book, “Silly Billy”, we had Year 6 come to read with us and we had a fun PE lesson! 
