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School Prospectus 2019 - 2020

As we are now managing our own Nursery Admissions, please find the link below to information and the application form regarding the Admissions process for Nursery places.  Please contact us if you are interested in your child attending our Nursery class.

 Admissions Policy – Hertford Heath Primary School


1 Introduction
1.1 The governing body of Hertford Heath School applies the regulations on
admissions fairly and equally to all those who wish to attend this school. The
School Standards and Framework Act 1998 introduced a new framework for
school admissions as of September 2000. This policy conforms to the
regulations that are set out in that Act and also further explained in the
statutory School Admissions Code of Practice and the statutory Appeals Code
of Practice.
1.2 We follow the guidelines laid out in the Hertfordshire ‘Determined Admission
Arrangements’ for community and voluntary controlled schools. Access to this
will be made available to anyone upon request from the school office.
2 Aims and objectives
2.1 We are an inclusive school that welcomes children from all backgrounds,
cultures, religions and abilities.
2.2 All applications will be treated on merit and in a sensitive manner.
2.3 The only restriction we place on entry is that of number. If the number of
children applying for entry exceeds the places available, we follow County’s
appeal procedure. It is our wish to allow parents the right to have a place at
the school of their choice. However, this is not always possible, due to the
excess demand on the school places available.
2.4 The level of ability of a child plays no part in the admissions policy of this
3 How parents can apply for their child to be admitted to our school
3.1 As our school is a community school, the school determines the admission
arrangements in agreement with the LEA. The LEA is therefore the
‘Admissions Authority’ for our school. The regulations for entry to each school,
where the Admissions Authority is the LEA, are published each year by the
LEA. Parents can receive a copy of these regulations directly from the LEA.
3.2 The LEA publishes a composite admissions prospectus each year, which
gives information about how parents can apply for a place in the school of
their choice. Parents have a right to express a preference for the school of
their choice and they should do so on the application form. Expressing a
preference does not, in itself, guarantee a place at this school. Application
forms can be obtained from the Education Department of the LEA and should
be completed by the date stipulated on the forms. Parents are encouraged to
apply on-line – all is explained in the booklet sent out to parents. To apply online
go to: The LEA notifies parents about
the school place as soon as all the applications have been considered.
3.3.1 In this area, children enter school in the academic year they become five, in
the September following their fourth birthday. For Reception our PAN
(published admission number) is 30. We therefore admit 30 children to the
Reception Class in one intake, September, during each academic year.
Therefore, parents who would like their child to be admitted to this school
during the year their child is five should ensure that they complete the
necessary Primary application form supplied by County.
3.3.2 All nursery children start in September and are expected to attend five
mornings each week, 15 hours weekly.
3.3.3 Nursery applications are made via County via the on-line application system.
However the school office coordinates Nursery allocations and offers.
4 Primary Admission Appeals
4.1 If you are not offered a place (Reception – Year 6) at this school for your child,
it is because to do so would prejudice the education of other children by
allowing the numbers of children in the school to increase too much.
4.2 If parents wish to appeal against a decision to refuse entry, they can do so by
applying to the LEA. An independent appeals panel then meets to consider all
appeals by parents who have been refused a place at our school and who
wish to appeal against this decision. An appeals panel’s decision is binding for
all parties concerned. If the appeals panel decides that we should admit a
child to our school, then we will accept this and continue to do all we can to
provide the best education for all the children at our school. (Further details of
appeals arrangements are set out in the revised Code of Practice on School
Admissions Appeals, which came into force in Sept. 2004).
5 The standard number
5.1 The standard number is the number of children the school can accommodate.
The standard number from Reception to Year 6 is 30. We keep this number
under review and the governors will apply to change the number if
circumstances allow. However there is no current likelihood that our standard
number will change.
5.2 The standard number in Nursery is 26. Therefore we admit 26 children to our
Nursery class. Please note that a child’s attendance in our Nursery class
does not guarantee admission to the school for Primary education (from
Reception onwards). A separate application must be made when parents
would like their child to transfer to or start our Reception class.
6 Key Stage One or Infant class size
6.1 Our standard number in Years 1 and 2 is 30. This matches the Government’s
recommended number for infants/KS1.
7 In-year admissions
Children may only be admitted during the school year into classes that have
available spaces. County handles all in-year admissions. Parents who are
interested in transferring to our school should contact the HCC website at or call the Customer Service Centre on 0300
123 4043.
Parents may make an appointment with the school to talk to the Head
Teacher and to look round the school. Parents will be asked to complete a

‘Hertfordshire In-Year Application Form’ and return this to County. The form is
available from the Admissions team at County or direct from the school. Upon
confirmation of vacancy/ies the school will propose a start date to the parent
and offer a place. Then the County ‘In Year Admissions Officer’ will process
the form and send out a formal offer letter to the parents.
8 Continuing interest list
A continuing interest list is held by County for parents who wish their child to
attend our school once/if a place becomes available. Any queries regarding a
child’s position on the continuing interest list must be referred to the local
admissions team.
9 Extended leave
There is no longer such a thing as ‘Extended Leave’. Parents no longer have
a right to seek an agreed period of Extended Leave for their child. The school
cannot keep a child’s place open and in the case of a child being absent from
school for more than 4 weeks (20 school days) the child will lose their place at
our school, in line with Herts. Attendance Improvement Officer advice
In exceptional circumstances the school may keep a child’s place open, at the
discretion of the Head Teacher and Governors, for 4 weeks. In this instance
there will be a named date when the child is expected to return to school. If
the child fails to return by that date the child’s place will then be offered to
people on our Continuing Interest List. On the original child’s return their
parent/s will need to apply to County for their place again.
10 Review
10.1 This policy will be reviewed as appropriate in the light of any changed
circumstances in our school or within the local area/education authority.

Signed: Helen Watson
Date: 29th September 2023
