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Computing - This week in computing the children were unpicking features of a blog and created success criteria for what makes a good Blog. In the upcoming weeks, they will create their own blog centred around a topic of their choice.

DT - This week was DT week where Y6 made a steady hand game! First, we researched the form and functions of games and toys that already exist and evaluated them. Next, we designed our steady hand game, remembering the success criteria of creating a complete circuit and a continuous wire. Then we created our base using a net and finally we connected all the elements together to play the game!

Literacy - This week we pitched our pet peeves to our teachers and classmates by trying to persuade them to banish things that annoy us to Room 101. Once we read out our speeches, we were competing against our classmates as the rest of the class evaluated pros and cons about what they heard and then banished one of the three options forever!

Christmas Craft Morning

Author Visit - Su Murley visited Hertford Heath this week! She spoke to the children about the challenges and excitement of writing a book, the publishing process with lots of 'fun facts' along the way as well as opportunities for children to ask questions!

Geography - In today’s lesson we completed a local enquiry about population in our local area. We collected data in the form of a tally chart to see how densely or sparsely populated an area was linked to the amount of traffic that was present. Once we returned we anaylsed our data in the form of a likert chart.

Literacy - In today’s lesson we looked at some of our pet peeves and annotated reasons for why these irritate us. Some of the pet peeves we discussed were loud-chewing, annoying sounds, jumping in the queue, people who interrupt others, people taking credit for other people’s work.

Music - This week Year 6 performed to the school in a music concert showcasing their ukulele skills and the 12 chords they have learnt so far. They performed the songs Jingle Bells, Walking in the Air and Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

PE - This term’s PE topic was gymnastics. We learnt how to do forward roll, backwards roll and formations of a pike, straddle and tuck. Eventually we applied these movements onto apparatus to gain height and embedded this into group performances

Dogs Trust - Today we had a visit from The Dogs Trust and we learnt all about how to keep dogs busy, how to spot signs of a happy and unhappy dog and how to keep ourselves safe. We spotted signals of dog behaviours so when we are confronted with a dog we know how to behave. We also created our own dog profiles identifying their likes and dislikes so we can implement the strategies in context.

Science - This week Year 6 created simple circuits using a range of components. Once they created these circuits physically, they then represented them as drawings using the correct symbols.

Literacy - This week Y6 began writing a narrative poem by retrieving vocabulary from our core text Wisp: A Book of Hope. We thought about the word classes used: interesting verbs to describe the wisp’s movements, adjectives for description of feelings, characters and setting and the use of similes, metaphors and personification to create imagery and used these as inspiration to write our poems.

RE - This week Y6 were reflecting on their beliefs about the purpose of life. They created a piece of artwork incorporating symbolic images to identify their values, achievements and goals in life which were the reasons behind their existence.

PE - This week in PE the children continued to work on their passing and catching techniques including chest pass and long throw. They worked on moving into a space to help their team get the ball closer to the post.

Science - This week we have been learning about helpful and harmful micro-organisms. We are conducting an experiment by working scientifically to observe how much mould will grow on bread when placed in different conditions (cupboard, windowsill and freezer)

Literacy - This week, Y6 identified the features of a chronological report: Title, Headings, Subheadings, Facts, Contents Page, Pictures, Captions, Index, Glossary and used these to build our own chronological report by piecing together all the features linking to our core text Planetarium.

Music - This term the children have warming up with voices and been refreshing their memories on how to play chords on the ukulele. They have started learning the song 'Hound Dog' by Elvis Presley

History - This week Year 6 have been learning about the census. They have explored the jobs available in the 1800's (factory workers, flax spinners, governess, seamstress, coal porters, scholars, laundress) and compared them to the modern day. The census was useful to identify information about the occupations for example. which area had more of a diverse range of jobs or whether one job was more dangerous than another!

Literacy - This week Year 6 have studied the book 'The Mysteries of Harris Burdick' and role played what the characters might say to one another based on the inferences they made by looking at the pictures.

RE - This week Y6 were learning about how we came into existence and debating theories from religious and scientific perspectives.
