Our R.E. studies continued this term with Sikhism and the significance of food to all religions. We learned about the Sikh Langar kitchens, and talked about The Last Supper, and all the special meals and foods prepared for Christian festivals.
Finally we had great fun making and decorating Simnel cakes.
Happy Easter to all of our Year 4 families and friends.
In R.E. we have been learning about the significance and importance of the 5 Ks to Sikhs. We have been thinking about the characteristics that we would like to develop ourselves, and how we would like to lead our lives. Today we used clay to model own symbols to represent our ideas.
In English this term we have enjoyed range of poems and explored their uses of figurative language. Here you can see us writing our own poems which we later performed, with actions, to the rest of the class.
World Book Day
In maths we have been learning about the measurement of length. Here we decided to put our skills to the test by finding the perimeter of our classroom. Let's hope the new carpet fits...
Measurement - Capacity
Religious Education
In R.E. this term Year 4 have been learning about the Hindu faith. In order to understand Hinduism we have learned about the main religious teachings and have identified many links between this and other main faiths. We have learned about some of the different deities and the rituals that Hindus practice in their worship. Today Year 4 made a shrine and explored the six items of a Puja tray, and everyone chose a bindi.
We ended the session with a moment or two of quiet meditation.
Our homework is to find out why Hindus wear bindis.
In history we are currently learning about the Roman Empire and the impact it has had on Britain. So far, we have looked at the might of the Roman army and how their weapons, armour, discipline and organisation were all effectively used to help them conquer most of Europe.
Learning how to build a Roman road.
Roman entertainment - As part of this topic we designed and built our very own Roman chariots.
2015 - 2016
Have a look below to see some of the things we enjoyed last year in year 4.
A big thankyou to everyone who helped with our river walk. We had a fantastic day. Here are a few of the many pictures we took along the way.
The students from Simon Balle came in to run a games session for us. They were working towards their Young Leader award. We had a great time and the games were really good. We hope they were all successful because we thought they were brilliant!
Simon Balle students came in to do games with us.
Each group did a different game.
We had lots of fun.
Year 4 have been learning about different European countries. They made some fantastic models and posters for their homework. Can you see which countries these models represent?
In science we have been learning about electricity. We have built simple circuits and tested different materials to see which conduct electricity and which materials make good insulators.
We have been learning about Roman towns and buildings . To make these model buildings we had to make four columns to support a triangular roof. We think they look like Roman Temples.
Class 4 went to Verulamium museum in St. Albans. We saw lots of interesting things from the Roman times. We were allowed to handle some of the artefacts, but we had to pick them up very carefully.
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